Castle Street in Elevation
Historically, as an Architect, drawings were produced intricately by hand and it was in this manner I was taught to draw both at university and in my early career. Today this practice is somewhat overlooked in our industry but we endeavour within our firm to utilise this technique as often as possible - we feel it brings a softness and familiarity that can present a building in a unique light, whilst also becoming a physical and tangible record of its creation.
It was in this vein, as a Farnham resident, that I have often walked down Castle Street and wished to provide a permanent record of its historic and note-worthy facades. Castle Street in Elevation was produced over many months, starting first with a good survey - the buildings were measured to the brick to ensure accuracy. Then, the elevations were drawn in pencil and fine pen on tracing paper, section by section, with shadows cast on the facades using the technique of sciagraphy. Finally, in a nod to more contemporary methods, the sheets were stitched together and given a digital wash of colour, with attention given to the differing shades of brick and paint. The end result is a frozen record of Castle Street, some twelve metres long at full scale, as surveyed in 2023.
Bespoke and limited series fine giclée prints are available for purchase - details and pricing of these can be found below.
Castle Street in Elevation